This is a resource pack that you can use to include RPG elements in your Stencyl games. These elements are behaviors that handles character growth through statistics.

It is compatible with my Miscellaneous Behaviors pack, meaning you can import both packs into your games. It is even recommended you get that, to make use of the Save Status behavior to save the character progression information, specially when using multiple characters. It is not required though: the RPG Elements pack by itself has simple saving options.

The Cutscene Resource Pack already has everything you can find here, but with new features for these behaviors, as well as behaviors that can interact with the RPG elements.

Check the sample game above to see it in action.

So, what is included?

  1. Character Status: create as many character status as you want, set their progression through levels, and you can even set the behavior to automatically complete the progression up to the character's maximum level. Also handles temporary and permanent modifiers.
  2. Combat Statistics: define combat statistics, by creating your own formulas using character status, attributes and actor values. These statistics can be used for anything, not only combat. You can create statistics for actor damage and for jumping force, for example.
  3. Difficulty Mode: change attributes or actor values and even kill actors when loaded, based on the difficulty setting. You can define a global difficulty, or difficulty per actor.
  4. Equipment: define equipment slots for your actor, and the properties of each piece of equipment. You can also create an actor that will be attached, constantly having its animation set to the animation of your character. This can be used to create graphics for your equipment that follow your character.
  5. Experience: handles character level and multiple experience types. You can manually set the required experience for each level, or have the behavior automatically complete the required experience up to the character's maximum level. Also handles the learn set of skills per level, and has several display options, using actors and drawing.
  6. Font by Name: this comes with a custom block that returns a font given its name. No need to attach it to anything.
  7. Inventory: manages actor items. There are several options such as single or multi-stack, limit item slots and specify maximum capacity of individual items.
  8. Money: manages actor money.
  9. Resize Menu Window: resizes actors using a "9-slice" method. Used in the Screen Message behavior.
  10. Screen Message: display messages on screen for this actor. You can specify their position, how many to display at once and what happens to excess messages. Use for the Inventory, Money and Experience behaviors to show messages when getting items/money, leveling up or learning skills.
  11. Use Skill: handles character skills, and you can cycle through specified active skills, as well as display the currently selected skill on screen.

All behaviors have drawing or debug functions, allowing you to check if the values are working as you intended, helping you fine-tune everything.

What is the difference between these and the ones in the Cutscenes Resource Pack?
The Cutscens Resource Pack has extra features: The Equipment behavior comes with an extra property to swap color modes, call particles, aura and after images based on the given equipment.

All the custom blocks are integrated into the scripting method of the Cutscenes Resource Pack, so you can create cutscenes that teach skills or add items to your characters for example.

How do I use it?
Once you attach the behaviors to your actors and configure them, you can use the provided custom blocks to integrate these RPG elements into your own game. There are custom blocks that returns character status, combat statistics and status condition resistance, add and remove items and skill, add temporary or permanent modifiers, change equipment and modify a number based on the damage type resistance. The documentation explains more and provides some examples.

Happy Stencyling!

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Made withOpenFL
TagsGame Design, Stencyl
Code licenseGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPL)


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